Golf club to host water usage meeting

Emma Williams
By Emma Williams July 23, 2018 12:22

A Surrey golf club is to host a meeting later this year on water usage and resilience in the golf sector.

The announcement comes as parts of the UK are set to introduce hosepipe bans due low rainfall in the last two months.

“With increasing demand for water increasing, the golf sector will have to improve efficiency and seek alternative sources of supply over the coming years or face the prospect of irrigation bans during drought periods, and flooding if rainfall events combine or increase in frequency and intensity,” said Tony Hanson managing director of Environmental Solutions International (ESi).

“Help is available starting at Hoebridge Golf Centre at 2pm on October 25, a free event but with limited tickets available.”

The meeting, he said, will provide an opportunity for golf course managers, club managers, owners and associations representing the golf sector, to meet The Environment Agency, Affinity Water and Thames Waterto discuss water use now and over the next 20 years.

“The intention is to improve access to the Environment Agency, wildlife trusts, WRAP, Carbon Trust and many more, and the resources they have available under their remit to help land owners and small businesses to improve environmental management and sustainability,” he added.

Key issues that will be discussed will include abstraction licenses, boreholes, the use of potable water for irrigation, potential drought orders, planning the move away from potable water for irrigation, the importance of golf courses to allow infiltration of water for groundwater recharge and soft flood alleviation and the implications of climate change on golf course operations.

ESi has been working to improve connection, communication and understanding between the golf industry and the various regulatory bodies, non-governmental organisations and charities involved in water, natural environment and waste to increase collaboration.

As part of this process Hanson has also worked with England Golf and Wales Golf to redesign the Greener Golf website:

To book your ticket for the event at Hoebridge, visit:


Emma Williams
By Emma Williams July 23, 2018 12:22
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