96% of golfers want more sustainability

Seamus Rotherick
By Seamus Rotherick September 27, 2012 06:55

A new survey of golfers has found they are far more concerned about the environmental impact of golf venues than previously thought.

Ninety six per cent of respondents said they would like their regular golf course to be more sustainable, with nearly half citing chemicals used to control pests as their biggest cause for concern. The other main environmental issues that worried golfers were reducing water usage, reducing waste and protecting biodiversity.

The survey of 308 golfers – of whom nearly half were members of clubs – from 25 countries by the Sustainable Golf Project, which benchmarks the environmental credentials of venues, found that more than half of golfers play the game because it is an opportunity to experience nature. This proved to be an even more popular reason than ‘because it is fun’, and was particularly attractive to nomadic golfers (regular players who are not members of clubs).

More than half of the respondents (52 per cent) stated that they would be prepared to offer compensation for the environmental impact that their rounds of golf caused, whether it be paying more money for their golf, promoting sustainable golf or carrying out local community work. Nearly a third of golfers, (31 per cent) even said they would be prepared to volunteer for course maintenance activities.


Seamus Rotherick
By Seamus Rotherick September 27, 2012 06:55
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  1. @eParUSA March 4, 23:01

    Survey of golfers suggests demand for more sustainability in the industry:http://t.co/mDwp6NhgHD We can help: http://t.co/pw9Ag9q0Pq

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  2. golfenvironment.org (@golfenvironment) March 1, 13:31

    Golfer survey suggests demand for more sustainability:http://t.co/t5XEyIlNSP Via @sustainsport
    Clubs can start here:http://t.co/eOl6MZNUOj

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  3. golfenvironment.org (@golfenvironment) February 28, 19:35

    Survey suggests golfers want a more sustainable game: http://t.co/1TlXahc6ID Via @sustainsport
    Clubs can start here: http://t.co/yeDcEAnpZ6

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  4. @sustainsport February 28, 15:22

    Survey by the Sustainable #Golf Project shows:96% of golfers want more #sustainability http://t.co/Wsm5VXOPaS @golfenvironment @GolfVerband

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  5. @GoGreenAthletes October 2, 18:55

    96% golfers want greater sustainability in golf venues. 52% would actually pay 4 it http://t.co/Ayle4WgU

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  6. @CiralightGlobal September 27, 20:31

    96% of golfers want more sustainability http://t.co/Y5zaCYEg #sustainable #golf

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  7. @AudubonLife September 27, 20:25

    96% of golfers want more sustainability http://t.co/pFFdjXDj

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  8. Adrian Stiff September 27, 16:11

    I think this survey is best disregarded. If you dont use chemicals to remove broadleave weeds, dont water greens, dont use fungicides to prevent diseases it wont be long before your course mings and no one will want to play it. The real truth is that the chemicals to eradicate unwanted plants are very safe, clubs should provide water that does not come from the mains and look for winter water storage. Fungicides are the biggest problem and you might use these on 2% of a 150 acre golf course site. Its for the green eyed warriors to decide if the want 147 acres of paradise for the birds, bees, animals and mammals and accept that 3 acres will be intensively managed and of very little ecological benifit. If this was a survey then I think the 96% did not understand or were misled.

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  9. @divotEND September 27, 13:49

    #Golf 96% golfers want greater sustainability in golf venues. 52% would actually pay 4 it http://t.co/VgBOOmup #Sustainability RT 4 Planet

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  10. @fromegolfclub September 27, 13:49

    » 96% of golfers want more sustainability http://t.co/XSm46hpw

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  11. Stuart Smith (@StufromMostly) September 27, 13:11

    » 96% of golfers want more sustainability http://t.co/EZ3sCkYH. need a specialist speak to Matt @JohnsAssociates exceptional at what they do

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  12. @routeorg September 27, 12:53

    »If 96% of golfers want more sustainability, then they should speak to Route for advice http://t.co/BetpwMuZ

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  13. Stephen Hogg September 27, 10:31

    we have a greenkeeper meeting in nov and putting forward a volunteer day to do stuff around the club is something to look at

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  14. Rob Bates September 27, 10:24

    that’s why i play. And why I slice my drive into the trees for a closer look

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  15. Adam McArthur September 27, 10:23

    just make the other 69% repair their pitch marks #jobdone

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  16. RZABrit September 27, 09:17

    Always thought it was for the 19th hole?

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  17. Barry Hotson September 27, 09:12

    Some survey that,did not see that coming.

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  18. Mike Miller September 27, 09:02

    So that’s what’s been wrong with my game all these yrs! I was trying to master the course and my opponents! #smelltheroses

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  19. Dave Bowers September 27, 09:02

    308 is hardly a representative sample of golfers is it?

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  20. KAL Accountants September 27, 09:01

    Yes, 31% is about the same number who repair their pitch marks!

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  21. KAL Accountants September 27, 09:01

    Can’t believe ‘4 hours away from the wife’ didn’t win it my a mile.

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  22. Golfing Journalist (@AlDunsmuir) September 27, 08:51

    What’s the main reason you play golf? According to this survey, the most popular reason was ‘to experience nature’ http://t.co/03LiHE3s

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