Tacit and Eagle create ‘Clap For Carers’ golf signage image
Leading suppliers to golf clubs and courses across the UK, Tacit and Eagle, have created a sign image to remind the golf industry – and the nation – to clap for NHS staff at 8pm on Thursdays.
It is hoped that the industry will share the image as a reminder for everyone to clap for one minute at 8pm to show their appreciation for medical staff during the COVID-19 crisis.
It is thought that the clapping event will be a weekly occurrence during the coronavirus emergency.
Tim Webb, CEO of Tacit and Eagle commented : “Everyone at Tacit and Eagle, like many, many people, are 110 per cent behind the NHS and the work that these magnificent ladies and gentlemen are doing across the United Kingdom.
“So we will all be clapping this evening at 8:00pm.
“Hopefully, the sign image that we produced will remind our colleagues and friends in the golf industry – an industry that we always feel so privileged to be a part of – to also put their hands together this evening and every Thursday evening to express our collective gratitude and support for the NHS and all of the key workers who are in the front line.”
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