Golf course reopening decision ‘to be revealed on February 22’
A decision on when golf courses can reopen in England will be revealed on February 22, and it is likely to be ‘within weeks’ from the schools’ reopening date of March 8, reports The Times.
The newspaper states that ‘Boris Johnson’s plans for a release from lockdown in the spring will prioritise open-air contact.
‘Outdoor activity is likely to be permitted first in each phase. Team and individual sports such as golf and tennis, along with limited social gatherings outside, would therefore be possible within weeks of a planned return of schools from March 8.’
If accurate, this suggests golf courses in England will be open again in time for the new season, which traditionally starts in late March or April – which was when the first lockdown started last year.
The paper adds that the prime minister will set out his road map out of lockdown on February 22.
Other reports suggest there will be ‘a great unlocking in May’, suggesting that is when clubhouses can reopen.
English golf courses have been in full lockdown since early January – and golf courses in Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have been closed since December. Golf is currently permitted in Scotland, but only under restrictions.
A recent survey found nearly a fifth of golfers have seen ‘transmission risks’ on the course in recent months, however a report found that the chances of contracting Covid-19 on the golf course are ‘extremely low’.
The paper led to the scientist, Professor Charlie Foster, saying: “Golf can be played safely, and it should have a central role in the government’s thinking when it comes to helping people exercise now and as we come out of pandemic restrictions.”
Craig Tracey MP added: “Scientific evidence demonstrates that golf can be played safely with the various enhanced protocols appropriate for the new variants. Golf is ready, willing and able to return safely at the earliest possible opportunity.”
Hear hear Sir Reginald! Well said. If it wasn’t for these damn working class municipal golf facilities, respectable private members courses like ours would still be open. Close the bloody municipals down I say and give them all a cloth cap and a ferret! More brandy Major?
What a snob…shame on you
To anybody expecting the “roadmap” to lockdown being announced on February 22nd, I have a bridge to sell…..
So all other sports can play but golf can’t. Even golf is playing with 5000 spectators allowed. So why can’t we even go out on our own?
I agree – the government didn’t need to stop golf and tennis – they are socially distanced sports. The government decisions area ludicrous vote loser.
I am in total agreement with golf being allowed, I’m 73 and play regularly with a 67 and 40 year old we have maintained social distancing with no problems. I’m not convinced that tennis is as safe as you are handling the same balls throughout the game whereas in golf you only touch your own equipment.
Those people who drink beer in the car parks aren’t proper golfers anyway have they don’t get enough of their 3 brain cell footballers so go to a golf course make some noise with sticks, the reasons (excuses) they shut the courses (1) you can catch ebola by touching the hole flag? Really., &(2) unspoken, the Chavs sorry general public see golf as elitest sport played by snobs utter tosh, ever play golf with an 80 year old veteran, I have, you never ever win, let’s face it fat dumb blonde Johnson & evil Cummings, dickhead hancock etc thick a golf club is for beating the white slaves on their country estates!
You are a **** and are a good example of what is wrong with golf
Golf should not have been banned look at Scotland no risk at all. Travel to course on your own social distancing in place then 2 balls. You can walk round parks or city’s with one other person doesn’t make sense. Anyway hope to be playing soon️♂️️♂️
I am afraid that the government follows the science when it suits. Golf should never have been banned. Look at Scotland’s dealing with the pandemic. Much better and a lot clearer with decision making. No way Nicola sturgeon would allow golf if the risk was even modest.
Surely golf is one the most healthy sports that can’t be played giving (or at the moment not giving) both good exercise and mental benefit to those who play.
Compare that to football and rugby where players are rolling about and hugging each other yet allowed??
I couldn’t imaging golfers doing that even if you got a hole in one. I, for one, have certainly no intention of doing that.
Why can you go for walk on golf course as some are public walk ways but you can’t play golf its in open air useing your own golf gear you book online and pay online so no mixing in golf shop to pay plus golf is probably the most distance sport you can do unlike football, rugby which are still played in professional sports and they have had plenty of positive test for virus and still aloud to play ,professional golf is the safest sport not one case i know of if any its low so why not let us play golf as we are paying each month for membership but not aloud to play my gym membership has been stopped by my gym until lockdown is over as they will be getting help with bills like everyone else so golfer are at loss can only play when course is open loose few months with weather also now with lockdown loose more so out of 12 months membership probably get 4 months play is government going to us 80 percent loss of are membership nope average membership is 1000 to 850 lot of money the government should do something to help us as some of us have lost are jobs and homes
Golf should have never been stop but who’s making the rules you have to look at who in the driving seat dont you
Once vulnerable groups have been vaccinated on the 15th of Feb, surely golf courses should reopen with sensible restrictions ?
Totally agree why can people walk dogs on courses but we cannot play golf.You can go fishing and exercise in twos so why can’t we play golf
Fishing is prohibited in lockdown.
Fishing is an “exercise” that has been allowed during this lockdown.
You are wrong! Fishing is permitted inLockdown and with one other person not in your own household but following sensible guidelines.
I fear many members will not be fit enough to return to the course. Due to numbers of public ‘walking the streets’ for exercise social distancing is impossible. Had we been allowed to continue to play we would have all kept our fitness, and contributed to less people ‘walking the streets’.We have had strict rules on the course. Not raking bunkers- not touching the flag or other peoples equipment. The golf course is much safer than a supermarket which for a start is indoors.
Always the case that Golf with the Covid safe protocols was safe … no point double guessing or complaining about how any return to golf now comes.
Just do something else until things change..
It’s recreation not religion.
If the greenkeepers aren’t allowed to fulfill their jobs the golf course should remain closed just like everything else. Golf courses open then the lockdown should end.
Plus people took the piss last time and started meeting with beers on car parks and hanging around after rounds in big groups.
Maybe in the irresponsible municiples you play but not at most clubs
Greenkeepers are back working, only furloughed in lockdown 1.0