Police see ‘huge increase’ in anti-social behaviour
One police force has said it has seen a “huge increase” in anti-social behaviour at a golf club in Derbyshire, as other forces are spending more resources on protecting clubs.
Reports of criminal activity at golf clubs throughout the UK, typically carried out by teenagers living locally, have grown since the first lockdown in March 2020, but particularly so this year.
Earlier this month police in London authorised dispersal powers around an entire golf course for 48 hours, and just a few days later the now-closed William Wroe Golf Course in Manchester was also issued with a dispersal order for 72 hours.
This meant there was a police presence at the venue during those hours and anyone over the age of 10 was asked to leave the area – risking arrest if they refused.
It has now emerged that High Peak Golf Club has become a target of young vandals as well.
Officers from Buxton Police Safer Neighbourhood Team said they stepped in to stop three motorbikes attempting to go on to the course.
They have started carrying out regular patrols at the site, have been “educating the public” and are also now working with the club in a bid to “conduct further enforcement”.
In a statement on their Facebook page, members of Buxton Police SNT said: “This week also saw a huge increase in anti-social behaviour up around the golf course at High Peak Golf Club.
“They have over the past 12 months been the victim of numerous crimes.
“In the main these crimes are mindless vandalism where property has been damaged and people are using vehicles on the course damaging it.
“This comes at great cost where repairs are needed. We have been working closely with the club to reduce ASB and crime around Waterswallows.
“This behaviour has no place especially to businesses that serve our community.
“We have been educating members of the public with signage and the golf club have invested in CCTV.
“We are regularly patrolling through the course when we can and will be looking for support from our partners at the council who can help enforce with other issues that the golf club has encountered.
“Tonight we witnessed three motorbikes make an attempt to go onto the course, luckily we were on spot to catch them where we have issued Section 59 warnings to prevent anti-social driving in the future.
“We will continue our work with the golf club and look to conduct further enforcement should behaviour continue.”
Meanwhile, a number of youths are said to have caused “considerable damage” at Bootle Golf Course in Merseyside.
A member of staff at the course said: “We’ve caught them on CCTV, a gang of kids. They were just booting the doors off. I’ve no idea why.
“They’ve caused a considerable amount of damage after breaking into one of our buildings.”
CCTV images show three youths, two of whom appear to be posing for selfies.
Merseyside Police confirmed a report of a group of youths forcing entry to a toilet outbuilding at the golf club.
They then gained entry to the main building, and are said to have thrown golf balls and left golf clubs over the course.
Officers say damage was caused to a door.
And Daventry and District Golf Club has criticised the ‘mindless’ vandals who destroyed its brick shelter on a public footpath that runs through the course.
Club secretary Bill Partis said they have been plagued with issues linked to youths for years but this is the worst case they have ever had.
“We are going to have a discussion about whether we replace it but if you put it back where that one was, would it not just get destroyed again, which would be counterproductive,” he said.
“Or whether we put it somewhere else or not bother at all – we’re very conscious about the community as we’re close to the country park so we don’t want to get it wrong.
“I know it’s an issue everywhere. We have constant issues. It’s very frustrating – it’s just mindless vandalism.”
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