Over 400 Foremost members use EMP Trade-In Service
Foremost, the UK’s largest golf retail and marketing services group, has passed a significant milestone through its trade-in service for Elite Marketing Programme (EMP) members.
Launched in July 2023, the EMP Trade-In Service has grown substantially, with over 400 Foremost members opting to incorporate the new service function on their personal website. The three-step service is delivered in partnership with Golf Clubs 4 Cash, which provides a free collection from the pro shop for Foremost members. Once approved, payment is made to the Foremost member which results in pro shop credit passed directly onto the customer.
Allyn Laing, PGA professional at Ramsey Golf Club on the Isle of Man, said: “The Trade-in Service is a brilliant extra feature that I can offer my customers. It’s easy to use, quick and efficient for both parties, meaning it’s a great addition to my website. I’d certainly recommend it to anybody considering taking it up.”
Foremost confirmed that these trade-ins have been converted to over £1 million in pro shop credit since the launch. This credit can then be spent in pro shops, encouraging ongoing custom between Foremost members and trade-in users.
“The fact that trade-ins are easily converted to pro shop credit for the customer is a win-win,” added Andy Knight, PGA professional at Saunton Golf Club in Devon. “This is yet another example of a Foremost service that retains our customers, securing guaranteed future business.”
The trade-in procedure is a quick and convenient service for customers and Foremost members alike. A ‘Quick Quote’ can be generated in seconds by completing a trade-in form on the Foremost member’s EMP website.
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