Scottish golf course plan to include new GP surgery
A plan by a golf club in Scotland to build housing on land it owns will also include a new general practitioner (GP) surgery and 25 percent affordable housing.
Dullatur Golf Club says the project, which proposes to build 650 homes, will secure the future of the facility.
In conjunction with Hallam Land Management, the duo have also said that their development, on land at Dullatur Golf Club, will include 163 affordable homes, a greater number than the minimum requirement.
Hallam Land Management and Dullatur Golf Club submitted a planning application to North Lanarkshire Council in 2021 for the proposed development.
They have now said: “The proposed development complies with North Lanarkshire Council’s affordable housing policy which has a requirement for 20 percent of the proposed development to be for affordable housing but recognising the need and strong demand for affordable housing in the Cumbernauld area, Hallam Land Management and Dullatur Golf Club have agreed to increase the affordable housing provision to 25 percent which will deliver 163 affordable homes on site.”
Gary Smith, executive director of Hallam Land Management, said: “Since 2021 and from the outset, we have been open about our intentions to ensure that what the community told us is reflected in our final proposals, and what we have been told is that there is a need for housing, especially affordable housing and a real need for a new GP surgery, as such we are committed to going beyond North Lanarkshire Council’s affordable housing policy as this development will deliver 163 affordable homes and land identified for a new GP surgery.”
Jim Hart, captain of Dullatur Golf Club, said: “The proposed development will give a real boost to not just the continued operation of Dullatur Golf Club but to the local community of which we are a part of.”
Taking excess land and benefiting from its development, is a wise decision in most instances. Tackling an issue, like affordable housing and GP, shows great purpose and a missiom that will be richly rewarded.
No one in the community wants this. It’s not excessive land, it’s a golf course they are selling off.
You may say there’s a go surgery but is there a gp to fill it?
The infrastructure isn’t there, the roads are too busy already, the schools not enough places within.
The golf club continues to sell its land off for houses, … how long till it’s just a putting green?