Best casino game: slots, roulette or blackjack?

Seamus Rotherick
By Seamus Rotherick September 7, 2020 16:15

Casinos are popular due to the wide variety of casino games. However, a few of the most well-known and popular casino games are slots, roulette and new blackjack games. If you are a new casino player looking for advice on which of these three is the best casino game, then keep on reading.


Slots are by far the most popular casino game. This is mainly due to the fact that slots are easy to understand and play. It is one of the few casino games that require little to no skill.

Slots have the ability to cater to most players’ budgets. Players have the option of adjusting their bets to fit their needs. If you do not have a very big budget, no problem! Just adjust your bet settings to reflect that.


When thinking of a casino one of the images that pop into your head immediately is of the green, felt roulette table.

Roulette is easy to play. Simply place your bet, the dealer spins the wheel, and if you’re lucky it lands on your bet. Like slots, roulette is also a game of chance (well mostly). On the table, there are predetermined bets, each with a very specific mathematical probability of winning. If you know the odds of a specific bet, then choosing the bet with the highest odds can increase your chances of winning.

The bets with the highest odds of winning, regardless of the American or European variation, are even/odd, red/black, and low/high. However, do keep in mind that the odds of a bet winning are affected by the rules applicable to the type of roulette you are playing.


Out of the three casino games, blackjack is the one that requires the most skill. Blackjack is essentially a card game where the goal is to beat the dealer and not the other players at the table. To win your hand has to be higher in value than that of the dealer, or your cards have to equal 21 before the dealer’s.

If at the end of the game your hand equals more than 21 or the dealer’s hand has a higher value than yours, you lose.

Which is best?

The best casino game for you will be based on personal preferences. For example, do you prefer simple games that you can play mindlessly or games that are more challenging and will leave you satisfied after a win?

If you want to play more for relaxation and entertainment, then slots is the game for you. However, if you prefer a game that requires skill and challenges you, go for blackjack or roulette. These games rely on a combination of luck and skill.

If you are playing with the aim of winning, then choose the game with the best odds. Out of the above mentioned three, blackjack has the best odds. Typically, the house edge at most casinos is just 1%. In second place is roulette and lastly slots.


Seamus Rotherick
By Seamus Rotherick September 7, 2020 16:15
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