Study finds golfers burn 36% more calories when using a trolley over a buggy
A study by the Colorado Center for Health & Sports Science has found that golfers burn 36% more calories over a nine-hole round if they’re using a push trolley rather than a motorised cart.
It also found that the walking benefits from playing golf increases health benefits, improves mental focus and even reduces scores.
The independent study set out to find out how energy expenditure varies in golf based on the mode of transport, and whether all forms of golf play qualify as health-improvement activity. Along with data focussed on energy expenditure, the study recorded data on participants’ reported mental focus and their scores to par across nine-hole rounds.
Using a VO2 Master metabolic analyser and a standard Hans-Rudolph mask to test energy expenditure on the course, the study compared walking with push carts / trolleys, walking with electric trolleys and riding on a buggy. Walking without a mode of golf transport, such as while carrying a bag, was not tested.
Of the three modes tested, the study found that golfers burned most calories per hour using a push cart, a 36 percent increase on motorised cart use.
Both using a push cart and electric trolley reached the threshold for being recognised as moderate intensity exercise and would have a positive impact on the health of users, while golf using a motorised cart constitutes a health improvement activity, according to the study.
“To have further definitive data on increased energy expenditure from walking the course is great news for the game,” commented Neil Wolkodoff, PhD, lead researcher on the study.
“It is clear that if you walk the course, you will experience the same health benefits as other moderate exercises, possibly better. Particularly noting that improvement when using a push cart, and certainly more than when participating in recreational or leisure walking.
“Previous studies I’ve worked on demonstrated that using a pushcart had performance benefits over other types of course transport. The walking modes in this study had a clear improvement in reported mental focus of participants when walking compared to a motor cart.”
Rick Oldach, CEO of BIG MAX USA, which supplied the push carts and golf bags for the study, said: “The methodology for testing energy expenditure delivers undisputed evidence for the health benefits of walking the course. The results that particularly please me though are around mental focus and scores. I’ve long suspected that having time to think between shots, to decompress after each shot and to have time to prepare for the next shot is of real benefit, and this study proves that walking improves performance.”
No S*** Sherlock
In the 70‘s and 80‘s in the UK, you generally needed a medical certificate to be allowed to use a golf buggy on the course. Bring that back!
GOLF is a great alternative medicine for the sedentary and stressful lives that many professional adults lead If its played as originally intended – Hit it – walk to find it (while smelling the flowers and taking in the scenery ) – take your equipment with you – hit it again. A good walk (enhanced not „spoiled“) with mental challenge and FUN!
Thank you to the Colorado Center for Health and Sports Science for this study. Please do more to promote this great sport to the over-stressed and overweight adult population who could all profit by taking part in golf!
#golf #golflife #health #fun
To bring back the 70’s and 80’s policy on carts would significantly reduce the number of golfers playing golf. That then would have an impact on revenue for the clubs and ultimately putting the clubs at risk of folding. Society has changed a lot and golf is doing well at the moment. Lets not take a step backwards for traditions sake. Keep carts alive to keep to keep golf flourishing.
When I play Bolton I typically burn 2500-3200 dependent on the weather.
Did they really need to do a study to know that
I’ve carried my golf bag pretty much every round since I was a teenager. It’s good exercise, plus I can walk to my ball quicker, especially when it’s in the rough!
Just carry your clubs and see your health increase way more!
Stand/ carry bag for 9 holes all day long. if able, the best way to go.
I see even young people with a motorised cart, which to me looks like a kind of laziness. Not really sporty.
Who would have thought!? LOL… Typically, I’ll ride a cart when I’m golfing with friends and the objective is to have fun. I try to walk when I’m golfing by myself or with randoms and the objective is playing good golf!
Does that mean it’s 72% for 18 holes?