Have you considered a small glamping site?

Seamus Rotherick
By Seamus Rotherick June 3, 2023 10:49

Shepherd huts can be rented out all year round and can return £30,000 per hut per year at just 60 percent occupancy. Some achieve a 100 percent occupancy and have a waiting list.

Into The Wild UK is a high quality shepherd hut manufacturer based in the East Midlands. The most popular huts have a bathroom, kitchen, double bed and dining area, and three different sizes of balconies are available. Prices start at £35,000.

The company’s shepherd huts will last between 30 and 70 years and are timeless in appearance.

Some of its models are of cutting-edge design and include frost protection for all year round letting including super insulation, space age thermal wrap and heated pipe work and a back boiler.

Huts can be off or on grid. Into The Wild UK is able to print images on the sides of golf greens, lakes, bridges and so on.

The company also offers pull out side versions for additional space. Shepherd huts can be used as changing rooms, golf shops, repair shops or even mid-course drinking bars.

A smaller, flat pack version can be carried anywhere by two people and prices start at £18,000.

Planning matters

It is very unlikely that golf courses will have any difficulties with planning permission, however this is a slow and sometimes expensive process. Into The Wild UK can provide exemption licences for up to five units. This serves to bypass planning procedures. Licences can be granted within three weeks of an application. It is also an interesting fact that planning application from site owners who already have an exemption licence are 10 times more likely to receive full planning permission.

Email: sales@intothewilduk.com

Web: intothewilduk.com

Tel: 01476 550 191


Seamus Rotherick
By Seamus Rotherick June 3, 2023 10:49
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