Here’s the top three things I learnt about the industry in February

Alistair Dunsmuir
By Alistair Dunsmuir March 1, 2017 06:44 Updated

Here’s the top three things Alistair Dunsmuir learnt while editing Golf Club Management in February:

3. The industry is unequivocally growing at the moment

In 2011 75 percent of private members’ clubs saw no growth, while club memberships hit a record low in 2013. But since then memberships have steadily risen, fewer clubs have reported losses and venues like The Nottinghamshire and Dunston Hall have found the confidence to invest seven figure amounts in themselves – and are already seeing returns. Perhaps best of all is Thetford GC – it couldn’t afford its rent in 2012 but today its members are buying the facility from the Crown Estate.

Dunston Hall

2. The ‘should senior golfers get a discount?’ question isn’t going to go away

A new survey has found that more than 90 percent of senior golfers believe they should get a discount on their club membership, but over 80 percent of clubs do not offer one.

It’s dangerous for clubs to antagonise a profile that many are reliant on for their existence – but it might be even more jeapardous to ostracise younger golfers, who represent the future of the industry.

1. We’re all going to be looking out for Lake of the Ozarks Resorts over the next few months

It’s not a golf club most Europeans had heard of before, but its radical new timed green fee policy could have as big an impact as the introduction of footgolf has had in the last four years.

In a bid to provide more value for money and to make the game quicker to play, some clubs have introduced three or six hole green fees in recent years.

Lake of the Ozarks Resorts in Missouri has taken this to another level. The club has brought in green fees in which golfers pay for the first hour, and for every 15 minutes they play after that.

For the first time, the amount golfers pay will be according to the time spent on the course and not the number of holes played, and we’re all keen to see if consumers embrace this or not.


Alistair Dunsmuir
By Alistair Dunsmuir March 1, 2017 06:44 Updated
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