Golf club wants to build 152 retirement properties

Emma Williams
By Emma Williams April 1, 2018 16:30 Updated

Cottingham Parks Golf and Leisure Club in Yorkshire has submitted a planning application to build 152 retirement properties.

The proposal, submitted by GVA on behalf of a joint venture between the owners of the club and Sewell Investments, includes a 70-bedroom hotel, an extension to the existing clubhouse and leisure facilities.

The 152 dwellings include bungalows and apartments, and there will be communal areas and a bowling green.

Anne Hargreaves at GVA said: “The retirement housing will become an integral part of the Cottingham Parks offer – residents will be able to benefit from the opportunity to remain active through their retirement with the improved golf and leisure facilities on their doorstep, as well as the new bowling green. Residents will also benefit from living in a retirement community with ready access to a large number of on-site facilities that will enable them to socialise and avoid isolation.

“The development proposed for Cottingham Parks offers an entirely unique marriage of uses on a single site that will deliver both economic and social benefits that carry significant weight and are material considerations in the context of determining this outline application that sits within the countryside.”

GVA has worked with a project team, led by Shared Agenda, which includes HLM Architects, Local Transport Projects (LTP), Quants Environmental, and GGP Consult in putting together this application, which has been validated by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

The Cottingham Parks business currently employs 59 staff with 40 per cent of the supply chain based in the area. The scheme is expected to generate between 30 and 45 additional full-time jobs once the hotel is operational.

Work on the hotel and the residential development is also set to support 136 full-time equivalent construction jobs.

A decision on the application is expected before the end of June 2018.


Emma Williams
By Emma Williams April 1, 2018 16:30 Updated
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