Work starts on redevelopment of HS2 golf course
A major redevelopment of a golf course that is set to have the HS2 rail line constructed through it has begun.
Whittington Heath Golf Club in the West Midlands will undergo a huge redevelopment comprising the construction of a new clubhouse, greenkeepers’ compound, halfway house, five new holes, a practice range, a new car park, ancillary features, a new access road, and the reworking of five existing holes.
The work will be undertaken in phases, with the new access road and car park to be started first.
The club will remain open and occupied throughout the project and it is anticipated that scheme will be fully completed by late summer 2020.
Darroch Baker, construction director at J Tomlinson, said: “The redevelopment of such a prominent golf club is a very exciting project and we are thrilled to be a part of it.
“We look forward to working closely with the club and the project team to deliver new state-of-the-art facilities that are in keeping with the club’s intricate history.”
Richard Harding, captain of Whittington Heath Golf Club, added: “We are pleased to have appointed J Tomlinson to help create a new, sustainable future for our club.
“We are delighted to see so many visitors coming to see how the new club and course are being developed.”
In 2016 the government agreed to spend millions rebuilding the 18-hole course, which was founded in 1886,after a five-year wrangle with members.
Quite the project ! With the club remaining open, it will definitely have its challenges. These are projects that are often much more difficult. This is where a great plan, a team of experts, a focused leader and members must all be heading in the same direction with the same focus. Good contingency management too ! Great Success to you ! Sure you have all bases covered !